CONVERSE ER Webinar Series

The CONVERSE ER Webinar Series provides a platform for graduate students and early career scientists to share their research and develop new skills relevant to the field of volcanic science. The webinar series will operate with two different formats, according to speaker availability.

  1. Science Talks

Science talks will follow a lecture format where speakers have the opportunity to share their academic work on volcanic activity, monitoring, and response for approximately 35 to 40 minutes. At the end of each talk, participants will be able to engage in a Q&A session with the speaker and a discussion of interdisciplinary approaches and collaborations. This discussion can be moderated by the meeting host to encourage interaction and can take the remaining 10-15 minutes. Ideally, each session will last 50 minutes.

  1. Skill-Building Webinars

Skill-building webinars allow speakers to share their practical skills such as building machine learning models, data analysis techniques, field methods, and outreach campaigns. These webinars will not be limited to technical science, as they will also offer insights into career development, grant writing and scientific communication. The format will be highly interactive, encouraging active participation of attendees over the course of the session with questions and comments. These interactions will ideally be collected using the Zoom Q&A function and communicated to the presenter by the host. The suggested duration of each session is 50 minutes, with 45 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of closing remarks.

Schedule and platform

The webinar series will be held every other Tuesday starting on August 20, 2024. The last session will be held on October 29, 2024. The webinars will be hosted entirely remotely, via Zoom.

For solicitation purposes, potential presenters can fill out the following interest form:

All attendees (except co-Hosts) will be required to register prior to every meeting using the following link (automatically approved):

There will be three co-Hosts: two CONVERSE ER members and the session’s presenter.

These meetings will be recorded and uploaded to a dedicated YouTube channel for CONVERSE ER activities.

Full Schedule to come soon!