Emerging Researchers

The CONVERSE (CONVerging on ERuption Science with Equity) Center is an NSF-funded group established to better integrate the various disciplines across the volcanological community. CONVERSE aims to maximize scientific return and increase communication and coordination between organizations tasked with volcano monitoring and academic researchers wanting to provide investigative support during eruption or blue-sky periods.

In recognizing the need for greater involvement by researchers early in their careers, CONVERSE Emerging Researchers Group provides opportunities for collaboration across sub-disciplines of volcano science and between institutions by fostering working relationships between emerging researchers and more senior scientists in their field.

CONVERSE Emerging Researchers Executive Board 2024-2025

Board PositionName(s) of Member(s)Roles/Responsibilities
PresidentMichael Murphy/ Ashley Bosa (co-president)Chairs meetings and acts a liaison with CONVERSE directive
Vice-President/SecretarySamantha Wolf (placeholder)Maintains records, coordinates CONVERSE structure
TreasurerJisoo KimKeeps and organizes funds with efforts from other board members
Research ChairBrenna Halverson Organize research events and opportunities
Professional Development ChairGustavo Bejar-LopezBrenna Halverson (Co-chair) Sets up workshops and organize events for professional development
Social and PR ChairBailee Zinzer;Babatunde, Young Kim as wellBuilds a sense of community and disseminates announcements and information on social media platforms
Outreach CoordinatorCarmen Jaimes Vierapoint of contact; does not organize outreach events, but coordinates volunteers to organize events
DEI ChairMelissa Scruggs; Mahinaokalani RobbinsFocuses on bringing DEI component to converse events, advocates for inclusive group sharing
Undergrad ChairTBDAdvocate for undergrad involvement
Faculty ChairTobias/Bruce/BarbAdvocate for tenure track /older emerger researchers