Proposed Workshop Structure
What are the various elements that are part of a functioning and successful CONVERSE?
Response Coordination:
- USGS collaboration on eruption responses in US
- International activities
- Instrumentation Pool
- Data access/information/sample/activities sharing
- Computational needs
Peacetime Activities:
- Education and Outreach, equity and inclusion
- Special Projects (finite duration)
- Focus Groups (longer term)
Management structure/ External Advisory/Management/Partners and Roles:
- Management structure
- External Advisory Committee, Science Board or steering committee
- Partners and Liaisons
Proposed General Agenda
Day 1
- Introduction
- Topic: Response Coordination
- Presentation/Panel: USGS and others who were part of recent response coordination
- Breakout groups:
- Evaluation of SAC concept in US
- Role of US Volcano Hazards (VDAP) in CONVERSE
- International activities
- Instruments
- Data
- Summaries of Day 1 breakouts and discussion
Day 2
- Topic: Peacetime activities
- Presentation: Talk on Education and Outreach
- Breakout groups:
- Education, outreach, equity and inclusion
- Special Projects
- Focus groups
- Topic: Management structure, advisory, partners and roles
- Presentation: SZ4D, IRIS, other initiatives
- Breakouts
- Management structure
- Roles of committee and partners
- Other funding sources
- Coordination with SZ4D and other groups
Day 3 (1/2 day)
- Final Discussions; wrap up.